Journal uses the concept of releases and tries to follow Semantic Versioning as much as possible. You are advised to make a back up of your database before following the instructions below.

1. Update the files in your instance

For installations that have used composer/file-upload to get started during installation, to upgrade: Download the new zip package from the releases page.

Extract the downloaded zip file and upload it to your web server.

1.1 If you cloned the repository in your initial installation, follow these steps:

# Get latest tag information for GitHub
git fetch --tags

# Get latest tag name
latestTag=$(git describe --tags `git rev-list --tags --max-count=1`)

# Checkout to the latest tag
git checkout $latestTag

2. Run composer

Run the following command to install the required composer libraries for your Journal application.

composer install --no-dev

3. Run the database migration

vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrate --no-interaction

4. Regenerate database cache

vendor/bin/doctrine orm:generate:proxies